3 Tips to Prepare Your HVAC System for Fluctuating Temperatures

3 Tips to Prepare Your HVAC System for Fluctuating Temperatures

With the cold, frosty winter months soon to arrive, it’s important to prepare your home heating and air conditioning system for fluctuating temperatures. This will not only help reduce the strain on your equipment, but will also increase the overall comfort and energy savings of your home. A reputable HVAC contractor shares a few tips and tricks here:

 Fluctuating Temperatures

Use a programmable thermostat. Almost all HVAC systems installed in the past decade have smart or programmable thermostats that allow homeowners to automatically set various temperatures throughout the day. For instance, you can set the indoor temperature in the low 60s when you’re away during the day and then crank it up to a comfy 68 to 72 degrees when you’re at home via an internet-connected device like a smartphone.

Don’t heat unused spaces. Do you have areas such as guest bedrooms that don’t need to be heated as much as the rest of the house? By closing off the vents in these unoccupied spaces, you can further cut down on your utility bills, according to a heating installation specialist. If you have a zoned HVAC system, which allows for the customization of temperature zones throughout the home for increased efficiency and comfort, you’ll be able to handle this task automatically.

Monitor the weather forecast. While smart thermostats are excellent climate control tools, they don’t take into account the weather forecast, meaning they can only react to the current temperature outside. While this is normally acceptable, there’s a tendency for your system to waste energy when there’s an extreme temperature shift in a short period of time. In order to brave the shift in temperature without a loss of comfort, manually adjust your heater or air conditioner beforehand.

You can count on American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. for professional heating and cooling services, including tune-ups, safety checks, repairs and replacements. Schedule an appointment with one of our certified technicians today! Just give us a call at (662) 337-7968 or fill out our convenient online form and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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