Your HVAC Maintenance Checklist for 2022

Your HVAC Maintenance Checklist for 2022

2022 is upon us! You may already have compiled a list of your New Year’s resolutions, but there’s more you can add to the usual ones like eating healthier, getting fit and being more productive. Why not renew your focus on keeping your HVAC system in top shape and performing its best? Knowing what tasks to do and when to do them allows you to prolong your system’s expected lifespan, save on energy bills and catch minor issues before they worsen.

HVAC Maintenance Checklist for 2022

Here American Refrigeration, the leading heating and air conditioning service provider in the area, provides an HVAC maintenance checklist for the year.

Monthly tasks. Inspect your heating and cooling system regularly for problems that require the expertise of a certified technician. Check for damaged fins, dirty coils and water leaks. When they’re in operation, try to listen for strange noises or vibrations. Also, keep the outdoor HVAC unit clear of any obstructions. Sweep away dead leaves, twigs and debris and trim back overhanging branches.

Quarterly tasks. Heating and air conditioning experts recommend changing your air filters at least once every three months. However, you may have to do it more often, especially if you use your HVAC system heavily during heating and cooling seasons or have pets at home. Check for disconnected, loose or broken connections as well. Get in touch with your local technician to get the wiring back in place.

Seasonal tasks. Preparing your HVAC system for the heating and cooling seasons is key to its continued performance and efficiency. Before spring arrives, make sure to have your air conditioner inspected and serviced. Do the same for your furnace or other home heating equipment. You can schedule these visits in late summer or early fall.

American Refrigeration is the go-to contractor for your air conditioning and heating service needs. Our team is committed to keeping your residential or commercial property comfortable year-round. To learn more about what we can do for you, give us a call at (662) 337-7968 or fill out our contact form.

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