How to Beat the Most Common Causes of Spring Allergies

How to Beat the Most Common Causes of Spring Allergies

Most people look forward to the spring season – unless they’re one of the 30-60 million people in the United States who suffer from spring allergies. In today’s post, American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. shares a quick guide to the common causes of spring allergies and how to counter them.

 Spring Allergies

Common Causes of Spring Allergies

Most types of spring allergies are triggered by the increased pollen count during this season. Many types of flora release pollen in the spring as part of their reproductive cycles. When pollen is inhaled by someone with a pollen allergy, their immune system releases histamines that trigger symptoms like sneezing, nasal congestion and watery eyes. Pollen can spread for miles, so even if you live far from pollen-producing plants, you may still be vulnerable to allergies.

Mold is another common cause of seasonal allergies. As the weather becomes warm and humid, mold spores multiply and spread. In addition, dust mites that lay dormant in some areas of your house may get stirred up and inhaled when you start your spring cleaning.

How Do You Counter Allergies?

Allergy-causing particles, also called allergens, have a few things in common: they’re airborne, they’re seasonal and they can be prevented from causing allergy symptoms if you do the following:

  • Replace your HVAC air filters. Standard HVAC air filters typically get filled to capacity every three months or so. Replacing them with new ones at the beginning of the spring season will help ensure that pollen and other particles stay out of your indoor spaces.

  • Optimize your HVAC system. Running an air purifier and a dehumidifier can help improve indoor air quality further, as well as maintain relative indoor humidity levels. Consider having the air ducts professionally cleaned every five years or so as well.

  • Take precautions when going outside. While mask mandates are slowly being lifted in many areas around the country, you may want to continue wearing a mask – if only for the spring season. Face masks are made to filter particles much smaller than pollen, which means wearing one properly when outdoors is a good way to prevent spring allergy symptoms. Taking off your shoes, changing your clothes and washing your hair after coming back home will help prevent allergens from getting tracked into your home.

American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. is a trusted provider of heating and cooling services to customers in Memphis and the surrounding communities. Give us a call at (662) 337-7968 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.

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