Common Reasons for AC Leaks

Common Reasons for AC Leaks

Leaks are a common problem with air conditioning systems. It might begin as a minor inconvenience, but if neglected for a long time, it can wreak havoc on your home. The excess moisture could promote mold growth and eventually affect your indoor air quality. Leaks are also usually a sign there is an issue with your AC.

AC Leaks

heating and air conditioning expert discusses some common causes of AC leaks in this post:

1. Improper Installation

If your air conditioner was recently installed, the leak is likely due to faulty installation. This means the air conditioning and drainage pipes are not proportional, and water can’t flow directly from the drainage pan to the outlet. If the water can’t flow out of the system, it will back up or remain stagnant. During the air conditioning installation, ensure that the pipe is lower than the main unit. This will allow water to flow downwards toward the drainage outlet.

2. Clogged Drain Pipe

Dirt and debris can clog your air conditioner’s drainage pipe. This prevents the condensate from draining through the proper channels. When water cannot flow out, it overflows into the main air conditioning unit. This causes your air conditioner to leak. Make sure to clean your air conditioner regularly and consult a professional air conditioning service provider regarding proper AC maintenance.

3. Dirty Air Filter

Dirt and dust can clog AC filters. When this happens, airflow over the evaporator coils can get obstructed, causing them to freeze. This means ice could form over the coils and drip excess water into the drainage pan. Water could also leak through the main unit since the pan cannot hold the additional water. Air filters should be cleaned every one to three months to prevent excessive dust and debris buildup.

You can prevent your AC from leaking with help from American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. We are a reputable cooling and heating service provider, and you can count on us for quality solutions for all of your HVAC concerns. Call us at (662) 895-7204 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.

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