5-Step HVAC Preparation for Winter

5-Step HVAC Preparation for Winter

During colder months, you want to make sure that your heating system is running properly to keep you and your family warm. Just like with any other equipment, proper maintenance is key to prolonging the life of your HVAC units.

If you aren’t sure how to get your HVAC system ready for winter, a reliable local heating and AC installation company are here to share five HVAC preparation tips.

1. Change the Filter

Although it’s heating season, you shouldn’t forget to take care of your air conditioner before you turn it off in the colder months. Since your air conditioner has been running throughout the summer, your filters are probably filled with dust and dirt. If neglected, your cooling system will be forced to work hard, which can cause it to break down over time. Ensure you check your air filter every 30 days and replace it within 90 days.

2. Turn Your Furnace On

Turn your furnace on at least three times while the weather is mild to check if it’s working.  Sometimes, critters get stuck in the flue and ventilation system, which can develop problems with your heating system.

3. Visually Inspect Your Furnace

Conduct a visual assessment before and during winter. If your furnace is in the attic and hard to access, contact an experienced inspector. But before they arrive, remove any obstruction around the furnace and ensure at least a 3-foot clearance around the unit for a faster and more efficient process.

4. Program Your Thermostat

You can program it to turn on in the morning 30 minutes before you wake up so your house is warmed up. There are various ways to set up your smart thermostats, depending on your needs. Consult the device’s manual or call a heater maintenance or installation professional who can help you get your preferred setup.

5. Schedule an Annual Maintenance

Since your furnace has a flame inside, it must be inspected every year by an expert. This is to ensure the furnace is burning safely and efficiently. Your HVAC technician will also clean the entire system, improving indoor air quality and extending your furnace’s lifespan.

When it comes to your HVAC concerns, American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. is always here to help. We provide exceptional heating and AC system repair services and other HVAC solutions. To schedule a consultation, call us at (662) 895-7204 or complete our online form.

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