Commercial HVAC Repairs That Are Avoidable

Commercial HVAC Repairs That Are Avoidable

Maintenance is crucial to keeping your HVAC system running efficiently. However, many businesses miss out on this important step and end up paying for costly, avoidable repairs. American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. explores common commercial HVAC issues that are mostly preventable through routine maintenance.

Commercial HVAC Repairs That Are Avoidable

Malfunctioning Motors

Faulty motors are typically caused by dust accumulation. As dust accumulates on the motor, it can restrict airflow. This causes the motor to work harder than it needs to. A dirty motor can eventually burn out, requiring a costly replacement. Regular maintenance by a heating and air conditioning expert will help ensure unobstructed airflow and a healthy motor.

Refrigerant Leaks

This issue can be due to several factors, including loose connections, dents in the pipe and old age. When the refrigerant levels become too low, the entire system can become less efficient, leading to a higher energy bill. A professional technician can quickly locate and repair the leak, restoring the system’s efficiency.

Condenser Breakdown

The condenser is the part of the HVAC system that transfers heat from the indoor to the outdoor environment. If the condenser becomes clogged with dust and debris, it can create a buildup of heat and reduce the system’s efficiency. Routine cleaning and inspection can help prevent breakdowns and ensure your system is running at peak efficiency.

Broken Fan Motor

A damaged fan motor can drastically reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system, resulting in an increased workload and higher energy bills. The fan blades can also become warped and cause the system to run more noisily than usual. A heating and air conditioning service provider can inspect the fan motor and make the necessary repairs to restore the system’s efficient operation.

Clogged Drains

Blocked drains in a cooling system can cause water to accumulate, resulting in water damage and poor performance. This clogging can be due to the buildup of debris such as dirt, dust and other airborne contaminants. Cleaning the drain line and checking the coil for any blockages can help keep drains clear and avoid costly repairs.

Neglecting to maintain your HVAC system can lead to inconvenient and costly repairs. That’s why preventative care is the way to go. If you need an experienced air conditioning and heating service provider, trust American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Call (662) 895-7204 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.

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