6 Common Causes of Winter Furnace Repairs

6 Common Causes of Winter Furnace Repairs

This winter, we make good use of the furnace to provide consistent indoor warmth. But just like any other HVAC system, it is not immune to the occasional breakdown. As a trusted HVAC contractor in Olive Branch, MS, we know all too well the many causes behind repairs we’ve handled concerning these pieces of home comfort equipment. We explain six of them below.

6 Common Causes of Winter Furnace Repairs

  1. Lack of Maintenance. One of the leading causes behind furnace repairs is insufficient maintenance. Just as you wouldn’t neglect oil changes for your vehicle, your home’s furnace also requires regular check-ups. Heaters are complex machines that can suffer from overuse, especially during harsh winter weather. Biannual maintenance checks not only prolong the lifespan of your system but also ensure efficient operation, which can keep energy bills from skyrocketing.

  1. Clogged and Dirty Filters. It is important for you as a homeowner to be attentive to your furnace’s filters, replacing or cleaning them monthly to maintain air quality and ensure system efficiency. A clogged filter forces the furnace to work harder to circulate warm air, leading to increased wear on the system and potentially higher repair bills.

  1. Wear and Tear from Regular Use. Mechanical wear and tear are natural for any furnace as it ages. Parts such as bearings, belts, and other crucial components in your heating system can deteriorate over time. It’s essential to address these issues promptly through maintenance services to avoid losing control over heating and airflow within your home.

  1. Ignition and Pilot Light Issues. Furnaces with ignition or pilot light problems can fail to start, leaving you in the cold. These components may need resetting, cleaning, or replacing. Pilot lights, in particular, can be temperamental and are often affected by drafts or dirt buildup. A professional technician can swiftly address such ignition issues.

  1. Thermostat Malfunctions. A thermostat is the control center for your furnace, and any malfunctions can lead to the lack or absence of heat. Erratic furnace behavior often traces back to a thermostat problem. Timely thermostat repairs or upgrades can ensure seamless operation and avoid unnecessary strain on your heater.

  1. Outdated Equipment. Finally, an often-overlooked cause of persistent furnace problems is simply that the unit is too old. Like any other appliance, furnaces have a service life, and when maintenance and repair costs start to mount, it may be more economical to consider a new HVAC installation.

If your furnace is experiencing any of these common issues, or if you’re looking to avoid them with proactive servicing, remember that American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Company, Inc. is here to help. We understand the intricacies of HVAC systems and provide top-tier heating system repair and maintenance, ensuring you stay warm all winter. Call us at (662) 895-7204, or fill out our contact form to schedule a service visit.

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