Replacing Your AC? Here Are 10 Important Questions to Ask

Replacing Your AC? Here Are 10 Important Questions to Ask

When the time comes to replace your air conditioning system, it’s essential to make informed decisions to ensure comfort and energy efficiency in your home. With technological advancements and various options available, asking the right questions can guide you toward choosing the best one for your needs. Local air conditioning service American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. lists down 10 crucial questions to ask when replacing your AC below.

1. What Is the Right AC Size for My Home?

Determining the appropriate size of the AC unit is vital for optimal cooling efficiency. An undersized unit may struggle to cool your home, while an oversized unit can lead to excess energy consumption.

2. What Energy Efficiency Ratings Should I Look For?

Inquire about the AC unit’s SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating. Higher SEER ratings for air conditioners indicate better energy efficiency and potentially lower utility bills.

3. How Much Is the Installation Cost?

Getting a new AC system in place involves more than just buying the unit itself. Installation charges could add a significant amount to your overall cost and should be factored in. Don’t hesitate to request quotes from multiple HVAC contractors. Comparing quotes can help you find the best deal without compromising on quality.

4. Are There Rebates or Incentive Programs Available?

Many utility companies and government programs offer incentives for upgrading to energy-efficient heating and air conditioning systems. Ask about available rebates to maximize savings.

5. What Type of Refrigerant Does the AC Use?

With environmental concerns in mind, ensure the AC unit uses an environmentally friendly refrigerant that complies with current regulations. Today’s air conditioners have R-410a (Puron) refrigerant, replacing the now-phased out R22 (Freon).

6. Do I Need Additional Ductwork or Repairs?

You may run into problems with cool air distribution after AC installation if the air ducts are neither clean or in top condition, so be sure to have them inspected as well. Have a professional assess your existing ductwork’s condition to determine if repairs or modifications are necessary for optimal airflow and efficiency. 

7. What Smart or Programmable Features Are Available?

Modern AC systems often come with smart features for remote control and energy-saving programming. Inquire about options that align with your lifestyle.

8. Can I Opt for Zoning?

Zoning systems allow you to cool specific areas of your home independently. This can improve comfort and efficiency by directing airflow where it’s needed most.

9. What Maintenance Is Required and How Often?

Understand the maintenance needs of the new AC system to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Regular maintenance from air conditioning and heating service contractors can prevent costly repairs later.

10. What Is the Warranty Coverage?

Inquire about the manufacturer’s warranty for the new AC unit. A comprehensive warranty can provide peace of mind and protect your investment.

Is It Time to Replace Your AC?

Typically, a well-maintained air conditioner should last 10 to 15 years. If your AC is pushing past this age range, replacing it might be more cost-effective than continuing to pour money into repairs.

If your air conditioning system is no longer keeping your home as cool as it used to, experiencing frequent breakdowns, or causing a noticeable increase in your energy bills, these could be signs that it’s time for an upgrade.

Newer AC units are often more energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and equipped with advanced features for improved comfort. Investing in a replacement now could lead to long-term savings on utility costs and a more comfortable indoor environment for you and your family.

Seek Expert HVAC Assistance

If you need further guidance on air conditioning or heating services, don’t hesitate to call American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Company, Inc. You can reach us at (662) 895-7204, or fill out our contact form to request an estimate or schedule an appointment.

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