Replacing Your AC? Here Are 10 Important Questions to Ask

When the time comes to replace your air conditioning system, it’s essential to make informed decisions to ensure comfort and energy efficiency in your home. With technological advancements and various options available, asking the right questions can guide you toward choosing the best one for your needs. Local air conditioning service American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning...

Common Indoor Air Pollutants and What You Can Do About Them

According to the EPA, indoor air is two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. In addition to their effects on human health, indoor air pollutants can cause odors, trigger allergies, and generally make your home uncomfortable. Local heating and air conditioning service company American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. takes a look at...

ON or AUTO: Which AC Setting Is Better?

The warmer months usually mean higher energy bills for most households. This is understandable since cooling demands in most homes become more significant as the temperature outside rises. That said, many people strive to save on their cooling expenses by employing various hacks — such as switching the AC setting to AUTO.

Why Does My Air Conditioner Need a Separate Breaker?

Your home’s electrical supply system covers a broad range of regular and daily services, from the supply for simpler appliances like lamps as well as the high-demand needs of your heating and air conditioning systems. To ensure that there will be sufficient power for all your appliances to operate safely and properly, it’s often recommended to have...

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