Common Indoor Air Pollutants and What You Can Do About Them

Common Indoor Air Pollutants and What You Can Do About Them

According to the EPA, indoor air is two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. In addition to their effects on human health, indoor air pollutants can cause odors, trigger allergies, and generally make your home uncomfortable. Local heating and air conditioning service company American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. takes a look at what you can do to maintain indoor air quality.

Indoor Air Pollutants

Common Indoor Air Pollutants

Most indoor air pollutants are particles dispersed from everyday things that can be found in homes, offices, and other indoor spaces.

  • Excess humidity. High relative indoor humidity levels can result in moisture-related problems like “sweating” walls and windows and a cold and clammy feeling inside the house. It can also encourage mold growth and trigger certain types of allergies.

  • Combustion byproducts. Gas-fired appliances like boilers, cooktops, ovens, and furnaces produce carbon monoxide, water vapor, and soot. If you have an attached garage, exhaust from your vehicle may find its way into your indoor spaces.

  • VOCs. Volatile organic compounds are substances emitted through a process called off-gassing. It comes from common household objects and substances like paint, plastics, stored fuel, and aerosol sprays, among others.

  • Pet dander. Dogs and cats shed dander, which are small flakes of dead skin very similar to dandruff. It can trigger allergies in some people.

  • Tobacco smoke. People who smoke indoors may expose everyone else in their home to the health effects of secondhand smoke. Tobacco smoke also leaves a persistent odor and causes yellowing in fabrics and other household items.

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Fortunately, there are things that you can do to maintain indoor air quality.

  • Replace the air filters regularly. Most HVAC models have user-replaceable air filters.  This means you will not need an appointment with our air conditioning and heating service technician when your HVAC system needs a new air filter every three months.

  • Let fresh air in. Open your windows for at least 15 minutes a day to flush out indoor air pollutants and allow fresh air into the room. Installing insect screens or some other type of window mesh can help prevent insects and large particles from getting into the room.

  • Adopt best practices. Leaving your shoes at the door, changing your clothes after coming home, and avoiding smoking indoors can help reduce indoor air pollutant levels.

  • Run an air purifier and dehumidifier. An air purifier catches indoor air pollutants and is ideal for areas where ventilation is unavailable. A dehumidifier catches moisture and helps maintain indoor air quality to ideal levels (which should be around 50%) during humid seasons. You can have them as standalone units or installed as part of your HVAC system.

American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. provide high-quality heating and air conditioning services to customers in Memphis and the surrounding communities. Call us at (662) 895-7204, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.

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