4 Energy-Saving HVAC Tips for the Fall Season

4 Energy-Saving HVAC Tips for the Fall Season

In the following weeks, temperatures will begin to drop as summer gives way to fall, which should give your HVAC system an opportunity to wind down, and for you to save on your utility bills. In this post, American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. shares energy-saving tips for the fall.

Energy-Saving HVAC

1. Set your thermostat at 68 degrees or lower. After switching to your heating system, set the thermostat to 68 degrees or lower. This helps reduce the output from your furnace, boiler, or heat pump, resulting in lower electricity or fuel consumption. Set your programmable thermostat to lower the temperature a few degrees when you go to bed and turn it back up during the day.

2. Check for leaks and drafts. Air and heat leaks allow thermal transfer between indoor and outdoor spaces. It causes heat loss leading to increased HVAC workload and higher energy bills. Check your home for air leakage, the common signs of which are drafts and hot spots. Windows are common areas where leaks happen. Adjusting the sashes to make sure they sit flush on the frame and replacing the weatherstripping can help fix leaks around the windows. Windows with insulated glass can help address heat leaks that typically happen around single-pane windows.

3. Reverse the spin of your ceiling fans. By default, ceiling fans turn counter-clockwise, which creates air currents that move upward and pull cool air from the floor. Most ceiling fans have a switch that reverses its spin direction. Since heat tends to rise, reversing the spin direction of your ceiling fans clockwise will push warm air from the ceiling back down. It will also redistribute the heat coming from your heating system and let you turn down your thermostat by a few degrees without noticing any difference.

4. Replace the air filters in your HVAC system. Air filters get filled every three months or as often as every month during seasons of heavy usage. Clogged air filters can block the airflow and increase the strain on the HVAC system. Check your filter once a month and replace it when needed. Air filters are user-replaceable, so you won’t have to set an appointment with an HVAC technician to replace them.

American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. provides heating and cooling services to customers in Memphis and the surrounding communities. Call us at (662) 895-7204, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.

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