How Do You Know If Your AC Is Undersized?

How Do You Know If Your AC Is Undersized?

Your air conditioner keeps your indoor spaces comfortable during the warmer months. For your AC to remain efficient, it has to be appropriately sized for your home. Correctly sizing a heating and air conditioning system involves more than just taking measurements. Professionals will also consider how much sunlight enters indoors, insulation quality and your household’s size.

How Do You Know If Your AC Is Undersized?

Here are signs you have an undersized AC.

Uncomfortable Spaces

Experts measure an AC’s cooling capacity in British thermal units (Btu). Each ton of heat removal requires around 12,000 Btu. If your home remains uncomfortably warm even when your AC is on, it might be time to reassess your unit’s size.

Inconsistent Room Temperatures

A well-sized AC will uniformly cool your home. Are some parts of your living space cool while others remain hot? It could be that your AC can’t effectively manage your entire home’s square footage. If this is the case, have your space assessed by an experienced air conditioning service provider.

Short Cycling

Your AC will inevitably short cycle if it’s too large for your home. It’s when your AC turns on and off frequently without completing a cooling cycle. When this happens, you could experience discomfort. It can also place unnecessary strain on your equipment, increasing the likelihood of early failure. Conversely, an undersized unit might run continuously, increasing energy bills.

Elevated Humidity Levels

Aside from lowering the temperature, air conditioners also reduce humidity. An undersized AC won’t be able to effectively remove moisture from the air, making your living space more humid. Excessive humidity can make indoor temperatures feel warmer than they actually are, resulting in discomfort.

High Energy Bills

Rising energy bills are another telltale sign of an undersized AC. When your unit doesn’t have sufficient cooling capacity, it might work harder to reach your desired temperature, consuming more electricity. Investing in a correctly sized AC for your living space can lead to long-term savings.

Are you unsure if your AC is the right size for your home? Contact American Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning Co., Inc. for a comprehensive assessment. We are among the area’s most trusted air conditioning and heating service providers. Call us at (662) 895-7204 or complete our online form to get started.

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