Why Does My Air Conditioner Need a Separate Breaker?

Your home’s electrical supply system covers a broad range of regular and daily services, from the supply for simpler appliances like lamps as well as the high-demand needs of your heating and air conditioning systems. To ensure that there will be sufficient power for all your appliances to operate safely and properly, it’s often recommended to have...

What to Do Before Your AC Technician Arrives

If your air conditioner were to suddenly stop working during the worst heat wave of the summer, you’d want an immediate solution to your problem, even if it occurs overnight or on the weekend. Until your AC technician arrives, there are some things you can do to ensure the repair process goes as quickly as...

4 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Air Ducts

No matter how energy efficient your heating or air conditioning system, if the air isn’t being distributed properly throughout your living space, it won’t do much good. If your ducts are defective or damaged, it’ll be difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home for you and your family. Here our AC installation experts share four...

3 Warning Signs of an Inefficient HVAC System

An inefficient heating and air conditioning system is a system that isn’t reaching its full potential. Day after day, your system struggles to maintain the temperature you and your family prefer, unnecessarily wasting energy in the process. Knowing the telltale signs of an inefficient system will not only keep your living space comfortable, but will...

What Causes Ductwork Damage?

Your ductwork delivers conditioned air into your living space. If damaged, it can cause disruptions in your heating and cooling system, compromise air circulation and decrease indoor comfort. In this article, heating service experts reveal some of the most common things that can damage your ductwork.

Can Rain Affect Your HVAC System?

Your outdoor AC unit is designed to withstand daily exposure to the elements, but this doesn’t mean you don’t need to be prepared for certain types of weather. During routine maintenance, you should focus on how you can protect your unit from extreme weather and natural disasters. Even if you routinely have your unit checked...

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